Award-winning Pinoy photographer helps jobless OFWs with their CV headshots for free
Original Post: https://bit.ly/35Ooh4V
In Dubai in the United Arab Emirates where thousands have lost their jobs due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a nice, snappy headshot on a curriculum vitae could go a long way for those starting over and searching for new employment.
With probably this in mind, an award-winning Filipino photographer who has been in the city since 2002 has decided to pay it forward and take pictures of at least 100 jobseekers that they could use for their CVs free.
“I was blessed to have a very good client during the height of the pandemic in Dubai. I am just returning my blessings to the community,” said Chris Calumberan, whose string of award includes being listed among the “Ilustrado Top 300” Filipino achievers in the UAE, organized by a publishing company based in Dubai; and a bronze medal at a Tokyo photography competition.
Running his own photography business for the past five years, Calumberan, 40, who is into art photography and is from Mandaluyong City, just recently started his “100 Headshots Initiative,” which has already attracted several interested jobseekers looking to spruce up their CVs.
“I coach my subjects. I study them and work with them to bring out the best in them. With that, I’m certain they will get the job,” Calumberan said.
Calumberan has been in the industry since 2003 and is an experienced model booker, location scout and production manager for print and TVCs. As an ambassador for some of the leading photography brands, he represents Filipino photographers in major workshops and keynote speeches in Dubai.
According to the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO) in Dubai, there are approximately 53,160 OFWs in the city who were in a no-work, no-pay situation; while the number of those terminated was at 26,580.
The Philippine missions – embassy in Abu Dhabi and consulate general on Dubai – said they have assisted 26,500 OFWS wanting to go home to the Philippines.
Officials said many more OFWs are inclined to take their chances especially considering that the UAE has reopened its economy, albeit in a very careful manner. —KBK, GMA News
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